Welcome to
Sales Rockstars!
We are the leading communications agency for the sale of technologies in need of explanation in the German-speaking B2B market.
Sales Rockstars
Marketing & first-handed direct sales
Sales Rockstars is a door opener for innovative companies who want to establish their IT- and digital solutions in the German-speaking market.
Sales Rockstars is an owner-run agency. We are sales experts who work exclusively in the digital branch with many years of extensive experience. Our focus is on consulting, lead generation, customer acquisition, sales growth as well as online marketing and business development.
Your entry into the German B2B-market
When it comes to IT and digital solutions, the German digital market has a lot of catching up to do but that also holds a huge potential. The steady market growth offers especially to foreign companies good chances to establish their business here.
Foreign companies are supported by Sales Rockstars from the beginning. Starting from the regulatory entry into the German market to product launch, up to gaining market share due to customized sales strategies.
Customer Acquisition
How We Work
Phase 1 - Entry into the German market. Consulting and Guiding from the beginning.
Starting from admission requirements to business creation and tax payments, our expert network covers all company law areas and guides you expertly through German bureaucracy. At the same time we at Sales Rockstars work on your sales and marketing strategy. We are also starting to introduce your IT – or digital solution product to the German market.
Phase 2 - Conquer the market! Sale and Marketing as keys for a successful establishment.
Sales Rockstars works hand-in-hand with their principals to find the best sales strategies. Starting with lead generation over direct sales to recruitment, training of sales employees and development and execution of digital PR and marketing campaigns, all bases are covered. All necessary resources are provided.
Phase 3 — Establishing a hold on the German market. How to be marketable and staying competitive.
Even after establishing a successful entry into the German-speaking market and developing a customized distribution system Sales Rockstars still provides their clients with advice and assistance. Being sales experts with great market expertise we recognize new trends or changes early on. That way we are able to adjust the ongoing sales strategy which also proves positive and successful for our foreign clients.
About Us
We are Sales Rockstars

“We at Sales Rockstars have greatly established our business over the last years and now
support digital players from all over the world. Starting out as a Direct Sales Agency we now manage everything from PR to Online Marketing up to Cold Calling. All these requirements lead to one goal – a successful Customer Acquisition.“
Heiko Kösling, founder of Sales Rockstars
Dates & Facts
Founding Year: 2015
Operating the market since: February 2016
Business form: Sole proprietorship, owner is personally liable
Managed sales budgets: Up to 2 Million Euro p.a.
Number of managed companies: 100+
Number of Commissioning: 220+
Team size: 20+
Unique Selling Proposition
Why Sales Rockstars?
Our clients are from different states and cultures. But all of them have one thing in common. With Sales Rockstars on their side they have a competent partner to sell their solutions on the German-speaking market.

We set high value on clear processes
and transparent evaluations. Our
performance is easy to comprehend
and measurable due to our own self-
controlling system.

Depending on the sales process we
provide every client with a suitable and
specialized sales team. The sales team
is run by an experienced account
manager who is also the first contact for
all matters of concerns.

Our colleagues are specially trained
and experienced. All our marketers and
sales personnel do have a degree and
certificates ranging in the IT field and
they continue training in order to
maintain ahead of the game.

We utilize remote calls to keep our
clients up-to-date and encourage the
steady flow of information. To get
intensive feedback rounds we visit our
customers several times or welcome
them as our guests.
Our Clients
What Our Customers Say

Sales Rockstars
We establish your digital solutions on the German market
Your company is in or out of Germany
and you want to establish your digital solution on the German-speaking market?
You need someone to help with market analysis and bureaucratic obstacles?
Someone who operates as door opener and who knows thedigitalization market?
We at Sales Rockstars are a highly specialized team of dedicated marketing personnel. It is our goal to especiallysupport foreign companies from the start.

Contact Us
We are happy to help. Curious? Convince yourself of our services.
Any questions left?
Benjamin Qualmann, Managing Director

Contact Us
We are happy to help. Curious? Convince yourself of our services.
Any questions left?
Heiko Kösling, Founder & Owner